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Avoiding the Cookiepocalypse: 3 alternatives to third-party tracking

A third-party cookie is used to track users' web activity and display more relevant ads to them.

Computer Cookie Policy

What is a 3rd party cookie?

A third-party cookie is used to track users' web activity and display more relevant ads to them.

Third-party cookies are commonly used to target potential customers in conjunction with programmatic advertising.

For example:

If you were interested in buying a new pair of shoes, you might go online and look at a few pairs of Adidas.

You then decide to go look at physical stores in your area rather than shopping online. However, a few days after you searched for shoes, you begin getting all types of advertisements for different brands of shoes online.

A third-party cookie is what told those advertisers that you had been looking for shoes.

Why are third-party cookies being eliminated?

As more people have begun to understand how the internet works, they’ve become more critical about the security of their information on the internet.

Third-party cookies have come under fire as a breach of privacy, so more companies and web browsers are moving away from using third-party cookies.

In fact, Apple’s Safari Browser and MozillaFirefox have already blocked third-party cookie tracking. The only holdout is Google Chrome, and they are set to make the transition sometime in 2023.

Alternatives to third-party tracking

While a majority of companies use third-party tracking to do most of their online advertising, there are several ways to get your products and services in front of the right people without it.

1. Contextual Advertising

Contextual advertising refers to placing ads on web pages based on the type of content the page is about.

Most companies have an idea who their ideal or most common customer is. This allows them to target websites their potential customers will visit.

For example:

A local skate shop might place ads on a well-known skateboarder's blog or an online shop that sells skateboarding shoes like Vans®.

2. Search Keywords

Developing a list of the most common keywords your customers are searching for when looking for a service or product like yours is key. If you have a presence online or run ads like google search ads, keywords can help people find you much easier.

3. First-Party Data

First-party data is the data that companies collect themselves from their own sources. This means collecting data about customers from sources like the company's own website, social media, or surveys.

Ready to learn about what programmatic advertising can do for you?

Schedule a free consultation with TrackableMed to learn more about how we advertise and if programmatic is a good fit for you.

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